第一場:留在歷史腳步中的台灣民眾劇場 Section I: Historical Steps of People’s Theater in Taiwan

距民眾劇場首先在台灣被提起至今已歷經三十年,它的發展軌跡及歷史脈絡仍需釐清;台灣八〇年代戒嚴/解嚴之間的社會騷動刺激青年們掀開小劇場運動的帷幕,其時閃爍的民眾劇場火種亦有待後人採掘。我們在此要問的是,反抗是不是民眾劇場的必然呈現?對體制的批判又是不是民眾劇場發展的應然條件? 三十年來的民眾劇場實踐者,如何在美學表現與政治訴求之間尋找迂迴前進的方法?如何在國家與社會的角力之間重申民眾劇場的反壓迫性格?

It has been thirty years since the People’s Theatre was first introduced in Taiwan, while its development trajectory and historical context still need to be clarified; the social turmoil caused by martial law in the 80’s in Taiwan spurred the youths to spark up the little theater movement and the flashing fire of People’s Theatre is also waiting for the future generations to unravel. Our questions include: is the act of rebellion an inevitable factor of People’s Theatre? Is the critique of the institution a proper condition for the development of the People’s Theatre? How do theater practitioners find ways to make a difference between aesthetic performance and political appeal in the past thirty years? How to we reaffirm the anti-oppression character of the People’s Theatre under the struggle between state and society?

主持 Moderator

劉紀蕙 Joyce C.H. LIU (台灣 Taiwan)

講者 Speakers

韓嘉玲 HAN Jia Ling (台灣 Taiwan):留在歷史腳步中的台灣民眾劇場
Historical Steps of People’s Theatre in Taiwan

王墨林 WANG Mo Lin (台灣 Taiwan):受壓迫者的在場
The Presence of the Oppressed

鍾喬 CHUNG Chiao (亞際 Inter-Asia):劇場能改造世界嗎? –亞際民眾戲劇的反思
Can Theatre Transform the World? --Reflections on the People’s Theatre in Asia